Thursday, August 16, 2007

Prejudice In The U.S.A.

Concerning the mainstream media (MSM), some people are capable of objectivity and professionalism. After much consideration and my own personal, unique and extreme experience, it has occurred to me that the MSM has taken a rap for something that really is the bias of the accusers.

For example, people here in Kansas City are quick to jump on a black journalist every time he brings up the "race card." But, they are strangely silent when racism is obviously present. Also, there is the recent criticism of the new British Prime Minister where he has spoken out against stereotyping Muslims. I believe that he is making an effort to mitigate the hateful, inflammatory, racist rhetoric that has been prevalent throughout society and pervasive on the Internet - not trying to appease the terrorists.

These attitudes were present long before 9/11 and could very well be a motivating factor for many of these extremists. And, so, I can logically conclude that many of the attacks on the MSM are in reality a reflection of these diehard mentalities, whether racism, sexism, or whatever ism applies. Some people just do not like, at all, the new "politically correct" and "sensitive" hard fought strictures that are now still fighting for their lives in our media, government, at work and on the street.

These are prejudices that have been ingrained, people need to learn to think for themselves, and even more importantly, look at situations from different perspectives. That is what I did, there was a conflict between my heritage and the religion I was raised with and I threw out everything I had been told and started over from the foundation up. Of course, this requires an actual willingness to treat others as equals.

I am not holier-than-anybody. I don't feel entirely comfortable with people and cultures that are different than me. But, it doesn't take a genius to realize that much of the violence in the world is owed to prejudice, hatred and fear of people who are different from you.

Many people in our country today still feel like they are the victims of "reverse discrimination." The hostility shown towards anyone who dares mention the "race card" is enough to make me say that I think they protest too much. Often, it is quite simple to point out the fault in their thought processes just by looking at things from the opposite perspective.

However, these beliefs are ingrained and there are certain factions who are willing to sacrifice all of our values and everything this country stands for to carry out their irrational, hateful and prejudiced crusade against all Muslims.

They want to take back "their" country and they don't care how ignorant they sound and they don't care if Bush is not just a political hack, he's a political butcher, because they are just going to run this country the way it should be run and they know they are right about all things, facts and history notwithstanding.

The scary thing is that our president appears to subscribe to this way of thinking and it is from these quarters that he draws his most strident support.

I can bear witness to the tactics, stunts and the depths that these people will stoop to. You would not be wrong to say that I am somewhat of an expert in the "angry white male" crowd that does not care how they win, dirty tricks, cheap shots, anything goes. I'm afraid that's why they elected Bush.

I can forgive those who put Bush in office, thinking that they shared the same values. I do not see any valid reasons, whatsoever, they could have had to reelect him. Not when it appears that the "religious right" has hijacked Christianity and laid claim to everything good and moral and American as apple pie.

They call all Democrats or liberals "godless"- who do they think they are, deciding who will go to heaven and hell out of one side of their mouth and saying that America should indiscriminately bomb little Iraqi children out of the other. Talk about hateful.

They will gang up as thugs on somebody who dares present any original or radically different ideas and they think they can just make them go away.

I believe the Bush administration has denied sanctuary to Iraqi refugees simply because that's just another thing that would make them look bad. Americans have no right to ask people to send their children, their loved ones off to fight for a country that no longer seems to stand for anything.

I am so hurt and ashamed for my country and I am so revolted by our leaders that I don't think impeachment is good enough. I honestly wish they could be banished. Such is the state of our country.


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